“In German orchestral practice, the orchestra is often slowed down, dimmed, ‘de-emphasized’ and ‘thinned out’. Here, however, the pianissimo also has an unexpected amount of substance, a full, round tone. There is also no shying away from vibrant vibrato, from emphasis and emotion.
The orchestra from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada - hosted by the Collegium musicum of the University of Tübingen on Friday - played with an audible delight in its own sound. Even in the fortissimo, there was absolutely no fear of ‘just not too much.’ And yet the fortissimo was never gaudy or oversized. Conductor Jonathan Girard allowed sounds to be sustained and developments to continue. And the 60-strong orchestra always performed in a continuous, natural flow of sound.”
“Jonathan Girard paces the show nicely and keeps a good balance between the stage and the 11-member chamber ensemble.”
“... the enthusiastic cast and orchestra responded to conductor Jonathan Girard’s every gesture, and the pacing was taut.. ”
“... excellent musical performances by the UBC Opera Ensemble under Jonathan Girard who also drew a clear and sensitive performance from the small, one-on-a-part UBC Symphony Orchestra.”
“The most important element of any opera production is the singing, and this cast was entirely superb. There was not a weak voice in the batch. There was no questionable intonation, no voice mis-matched to the character, no voice that could not be easily heard, even over the orchestra, capably led by Jonathan Girard. ”
“The production looks handsome and sounds bright, with Jonathan Girard leading a vibrant reading of Don Walker’s orchestrations.”
“Conductor Jonathan Girard and the Ohio Light Opera orchestra set a masterful musical tone with a breathtaking overture that is both soothing and invigorating.”
“The production is superbly accompanied by the Ohio Light Opera orchestra, under its enthusiastic and animated conductor, Jonathan Girard.”
“Kudos to stage director Ted Christopher, to conductor Jonathan Girard and to the entire production staff for bringing the waltzes, the culture and bubbles of Vienna to life on stage at the Freedlander Theatre.”
“The music. I love Strauss’s music, and the OLO Orchestra did a magnificent job with all of it, from the “Overture” to the “Finale.” The tunes in Die Fledermaus are some of the cream of Strauss’s composing, and his music stays in my head for days after I hear it. Kudos to the Assistant Conductor, Jonathan Girard, and his able ensemble.”
“Conductor Jonathan Girard made the projection of the solo lines his number one priority, keeping the backing under the violin/viola pair while still allowing the accompaniment to delineate a compelling personality.”